Eikon Planning and Design provides a wide range of environmental, ecological, and land development support services to public and private sectors.

We provide cost-effective, timely and pragmatic, business-centric solutions to environmental risks associated with:

Real Property Transfers.

Services relating to real property purchase, sales-related environmental assessments, and risk analyses, including multi-phased assessments, technical contractual clause assistance, environmental escrow clauses, and insurance option assistance.

Environmental Remediation.

Environmental remedial design, implementation and operations/maintenance monitoring for a wide variety of in-situ and ex-situ techniques and methodologies for soils, water, groundwater, soil vapor, indoor air, mold, asbestos and the like.

Financing Support.

Bank-related multi-phase environmental assessments, environmental risk policies, training programs, technical escrow/loan document assistance, property condition reports, construction/escrow draw inspections and related services.

Land Development Support.

Turnkey services supporting Brownfield and Greenfield development, specializing in adaptive reuse projects. Services include wetland, flood hazard, environmental impact, soil characterization, conceptual designs, property condition reports, mold inspections, asbestos studies, etc.

Regulatory Permitting.

A wide suite of support services to business owners relating to environmental permitting for ongoing operations, including air, water, wastewater process, compliance, and violation mitigation relating to same.

Litigation Support.

Environmental and land development expert report compilation, associated testimony, and interrogatory and deposition-related technical support to counsel; review of third-party peer reports; insurance-claim-related technical support services; and professional cost-recovery activities.

Eikon’s Environmental Takeaways.

Learn something new in twenty minutes or less and walk away with a thing or two you don’t already know.

PFAS Litigation: Where it’s gone & where it’s going. [20-minute read]

A PFAS Update: The Forever Chemicals. Lawsuits, Standards, & Solutions. [12-minute read]

Removing ‘Dirty Dirt’: Common Pitfalls to Know and Avoid. [7-minute read]

The Dirt on ‘Dirty Dirt’: A Primer. [9-minute read]

Environmental Data: It’s Rarely Your Friend. [13-minute read]

PFAS Update: Now Coming to Your Tap. [5-minute read]

The New Bane of the Real Estate World: PFAS. [8-minute read]